Blue lights (and a helpful crow)

Song 1: Blue - An early attempt of playing fingerstyle. I’m probably one of the few people who doesn’t think of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when I hear Angie Hart’s ‘Blue’. (I’ve never actually seen Buffy; TV series or movie.) I’m reminded of the early days of being in love, living in Melbourne with my new husband, listening to it together on CD. It was beguiling; it was unlike any song I’d ever heard before.

Song 2: Lights - I recorded this in the back yard of my home in the Adelaide CBD (which is surprisingly noisy with birdlife). Since moving to Adelaide, I’ve felt a sense of home I haven’t experienced since leaving my childhood hometown of Stawell, Victoria. Even though this is not an Australian song, it’s always had for me a very Adelaide feel to it, and now that I live here, it expresses perfectly the yearning I feel for the place when I travel away from it.


Now read this

Soft, spiky, smooth, crunchy

My team is featuring the ‘Adventures’ themed book selection by the Little Big Book Club during this week’s Storytime sessions. We do this every five weeks as part of our rotating focus program, allowing us to promote the resources of... Continue →