I don’t know what to write.

Gah! This is my glorious launch of my #blogjune contribution and I’m beginning fed up, with 28 minutes to spare before it’s tomorrow and an evening wasted fiddle faddling around on Wordpress. Great (adequate) post written and now the damn thing can’t remember who I am. So time to call it quits with the convoluted and time to move onto something more svbtle.

I’ve lost all those carefully constructed words I wrote. And now I don’t know what to write. But I need to write. I feel better when I’m writing my Morning Pages first thing when I wake up. I feel better when I’m sitting on the bus and a thought pops into my head, which ends up running down my arm and out onto the scrap of paper I’ve located in my bag. I feel better when I think up a lyric for a tune that’s floating around in the back of my mind, even though I’m yet to form something enough to qualify as A Song.

#blogjune friends, good luck and happy writing. And sleep well.


Now read this

The Lord’s Prayer

I adored Sister Janet Mead’s rock version of The Lord’s Prayer as a small child and just assumed I knew it because my parents are Christian and that Catholicism is in the ballpark when it comes to religious music. It wasn’t until... Continue →